lundi 19 octobre 2009

Erste Non-Ehekrueppel Kongress

Ehekrueppel, this is your fate ...

Be prepared for the First Non- Ehekrueppel Congress on 2010 March 17th in Toulouse, France. Final location is still unknown but it will be provided later on.

It's still time to join. You can also make a donation to purchase a T-Shirt ...

Wenn Sie am diesem ersten Kongress interesse haben, fahren Sie nach Toulouse am Mars 17, 2010 dazu. Der Treffpunkt is noch nicht bekannt, aber er wird in einem folgenden Artikel angegeben

mercredi 14 octobre 2009

Ehekrueppel detection Quizz

How often per year do you have drinks at nights with your buddies ?

a) once a year
b) between 3 - 10
c) more than 10 times a year

Imagine the following: right before lunch, a bunch of friends come around. Choose between the following:

a) you keep them out because it's time for the kids to have lunch
b) you ask to your wife permission to have them invited for lunch
c) you open the mini-bar and serve a couple of cold beers, because it's been so hot for the poor guys

You're on vacations, lying on the beach and enjoying the sun ... Your wife tells you about all the chores that await you when you're back

a) you gently listen to her and pledge your word to help and do your best when you're back
b) you explain her that it' not the best moment to deal with this kind of stuff, but you listen until the end
c) you jump on your feet and dive straight into the water

You've been willing to buy this new car for a long time, and now you have the money but house needs some doing up

a) you instantly cancel your dearest wish and hire qualified individual for renovating the house
b) you take arms against a sea of sorrows and choose a low-cost car
c) you just don't care, go to the car re-seller and pay it cash

You're both sitting of the sofa and both wanna see what's on TV tonight but you disagree about the chosen movie

a) you sit down after a while and watch Oprah for the all evening
b) you resign and end up alone in the kitchen stroking the cat
c) you phone your best friend and arrange a special evening party

For answer a) count 5 points
For answer b) count 3 points
For answer c) count 1 points

20 - 25: You're a total Ehekrueppel, hopeless, God bless you !

8 - 19 : You're going astray, keep out of the Ehekrueppel doom.
Kopf hoch !!

5 - 7 : Congratulations ! You're a poster child for each of us !

dimanche 4 octobre 2009

Kauft das Ehekrueppel T-Shirt und unterstuezt damit alle unterdrueckten Maenner Europas. Der Preis ist heute noch nicht festgelegt. Wir sind dabei eine erste Idee der Nachfrage zu eroertern.

Eins ist sicher, 1% der Einnahmen werden der Gruppe "Ehekrueppel" zukommen.

Wenn Ihr interesse habt am ersten Internationalen Kongress der Ehekrueppel teilzunehmen, hinterlasst bitte eine Nachricht.


Achetez le T-Shirt "Ehekueppel" et soutenez ainsi tous les "Ehekrueppel" europeens.
Le prix n est pas encore connu.

Si vous avez envie de participer au premier congres interntional des "Ehekrueppel", vous pouvez laisser un message sur le site qui fera partager votre experience.